You don’t need help with reaching your goals

You are a high-performer and a high-achiever. Setting new goals is part of your daily routine, so to say. You know what I mean. You never stop, and even if you are satisfied with your previous or current achievements, you immediately set something new to reach, new challenges, new projects, and new conquests. Setting new goals is as important to you as oxygen.

You are one of those few who can make a change in the world from your personal life to your working environment, and profession. You are not a rule follower, but a creator, a developer, and a constructor. You are only scared of two things regarding your professional life: routine and limitation.

Your solo arena.

You are certainly a hard worker, but sometimes you might pull the break.

Take a breath. What you need is a partner who understands you, who is capable to slow you down, who brings you back in the present, and who makes you celebrate all your accomplishments and successes that you usually don’t even notice. You need someone who brings a flame of ease, space, time, and energy into your working arena. Someone who knows how to make this flame that lies in you, go to a higher and more tangible dimension. You need someone who helps you create a goal that is truly alive, truly yours and sexy.

What you need to know is

  • why do you want what you want
  • what personal desires lie beyond your goal
  • what contribution would you make through it
  • how does it serve your professional path
  • what does it take to realize it

Let’s dig deeper now.

Ask why.

Simon Sinek, a British-American author and inspirational speaker traces back the success factor of business to the question WHY. But finding the ’why’ is not only the root of a successful business, but it is also the core of a true goal that comes from the inside out. If you don’t find the answer that makes you vibrate and light-up to the question ’why do you do what you do’ or ’why do you want what you want’, it is the sign that your business and goal don’t have enough drive for making a long-lasting and powerful impact.

Your desire.

What personal desire lies behind your goal? How does your goal serve you as an individual? Usually you don’t put emphasis on this question, as you might think that it has nothing to do with your professional accomplishments, however, it definitely does. So, if you turned a bit inwards, what secret motivation would you find? If you reached your goal, would that bring you more self-confidence, pride, self-acceptance, or satisfaction? Your personal motivation might also be using your creativity or having less time spent alone thanks to the teamwork, meetings, brainstorming, or community experience. Do not exclude yourself as a human being from your goal.

Higher than you.

What purpose does your goal serve that goes beyond your personal desires? What do you give to your team, to your company, to the company you work for, and to the world by reaching this goal? Do you create any value if you’ve realized your goal, such as community building, social development, innovation that serves the general will, or brings a drop of joy to humanity?

Look beyond.

And what if you take a deeper look, and you position your current goal on a wider career line? How does this goal support you in reaching your secret desire which is much bigger and seems much harder to reach? Does your goal actually have space on your timeline?

All done.

Imagine that you’ve already reached your current goal. How would you feel? What result, change, and effect do you see? How would you elaborate on this outcome?

Invest in.

Are you willing to offer it time, energy, and money, working days, months, or even years? How much time would you invest into your goal? What would you give up or spare in order to reach it?

Do you still want this goal?

If your answer is YES, it means that you are scared, passionate, excited, and enthusiastic enough to go for it, no matter what. If your answer is NO or MAYBE, then your goal is not big enough to excite you or it’s too big and that frightens and freezes you. How do you see yourself after reaching your goal and what do you think you would miss out if you didn’t go for it?

Inside out

You already are the person reaching your goal as you’ve created it from the inside out, drawing it from your past and present.

Your goal comes from the heart, and you know perfectly well what has to be done in order to reach it. Instead, what you need and you might not know about it is:

  • the support of someone who knows you well more than you do, who listens to you deeply, and who believes in you. Also someone who helps you maintain your power, strength, drive, and energy level by setting the perfect pace and trail for you.
  • the guidance of someone who knows you intimately- situations that you find complicated, how you might limit yourself, what will make you lose the focus, and what kind of thoughts and factors might try to stop you in the process.
  • the supervision of someone who helps you slow down and to speed up, focus and re-focus, exclude and include.
  • great questions that trigger and challenge your zone of genius and creativity, letting you show up with amazing ideas, solutions, thoughts, plans, and strategies.
  • an invisible compass that helps you see your desired direction even if you are wandering in the rampant jungle of tasks and projects.

Your support.

Who could be your major emotional supporter in the process?
Who could be your major professional supporter or mentor in the process?
Whose help would make it easier and more efficient for you to reach your goal?
What else do you need?

love, d.